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Kaltura Uploading Media

To upload a video to My Media:

In the course navigation menu of your Canvas course, click Kaltura: My Media.


If Kaltura: My Media is not available in the course navigation menu, an instructor will need to add it via Settings > Navigation. For help, see How do I reorder and hide Course Navigation links?

If prompted to authorize Canvas to access your Kaltura account, click Authorize.

  1. On the My Media screen, open the “Add New” menu and select Media Upload.
  2. Click Choose a File to Upload, locate the file on your computer, and then select it. Kaltura will display a green progress bar as the file uploads.
  3. On the “Upload Media” page, confirm or update the display name (“Name”) for the uploaded field and optionally enter a description and tags.
  4. Click Save.
  5. By default, the video is private and can only be viewed by you. To publish to the Media Gallery in one or more Canvas courses, click Published. Kaltura will show a list of courses you are enrolled in. Check the desired classes and click Save.
After the video is uploaded, Kaltura will take additional time to process the video. Usually this completes within 10 minutes but may take longer if the video is exceptionally long.